03.01.2006., utorak


[15:52] - Komentari (1) - Print - #

07.09.2005., srijeda


Hount me, cold, beautiful shadow,
Eyes so black as night,
And lips closed tight,
And face with such sorrow.
Tonight, when the devil birds
Touch the glass of my window, show
Yourself, dreaming face with a
Look of a neary death.
The shadows have fallen asleep
On my walls, peaceful does the
Night seem, still the candle
Is burning near me, for
You cold, beautiful shadow.


[18:16] - Komentari (6) - Print - #

24.08.2005., srijeda

A song through the night

I don't wanna leave this place
This place that brings a smile upon my face
A place where's no anger and no fight
Where we sing long into the night

And the sound of your guitars
Make us happy and again we smile
Our voices forever remove all scars
My heart wishing it will last a while

And when I go, the song I'll hear
The song will remain 'till next year
Down my cheak a crystal tear
Tear for you, my people dear

And when we'll sing the song again
The feeling will be the same
The memory will still remain
That feeling again it came

The spark in my eye will glow
All the sadness then will go
Only our voices in the silent night
Could it last longer? I guess it might...

lady Bonham

Žao mi je šta idem ća... predoro mi je bilo ovo ljeto...

[23:21] - Komentari (7) - Print - #

14.08.2005., nedjelja

Prisoner of my feelings

Held in the arms
Of this feeling
That only hurts and harms
Waiting for me to become
The prisoner of my own fears

Trapped by the look in his eye
Bursting with tears and falmes
Bringing up the memory
Leading through the agony
Leaving me to die

Frighten of eternity left to seek
The freedom from this pain
Trapped by my fears and thoughts
Falling down as I go week

Take my hand
And lead the way
Blindfolded as I stand
I'll belive these words you say
Following your footsteps
All the way

Free my mind
From these thoughts
I am blind
Can't you see
All these feelings
Imprisoning me

Be the angel
That saves my soul
With your feeling
That makes me whole
Be the angel
That leads the way
Here, now

lady Bonham

Mogli bi počet neku peticiju za namelessov povratak jer budala polako odustaje od svog bloga, a nije u redu da ako već ja iz viših ciljeva odustah da to napravi i on! Jel tako?;)
Tako da svi željni njegovog povratka ostavite komentar u kojem mu jebete mater ili još bolje koji mogu da mu to u facu kažu! I nameless znam da imaš vremena i da samo želiš osjećat se preuzvišeno da te blogeri mole:P možda će ti želja bit uslišana!;) hehe

Btw zabranjujem ti da brišeš ovaj post!
lady Bonham

[19:36] - Komentari (9) - Print - #

29.05.2005., nedjelja


Thank you, Angel of mine
Thanks to you, I am now fine
Thanks to you I still live and love
Angel, are you sent from above?

Thank you, Angel of mine
For always being near
Always ready
My problems to hear

Thank you, Angel of mine
That you always try
To be here when I need
A sholder to cry

Angel, I don't know what to say
How to find a way to repay?
You've been through much in your life not long
And all that made you this strong
I can't say I've experienced such
So edvice you, I can not much

Angel, you make me smile
How I wish I can make your problems go
At least for a while

Angel, just you know
I'll never let you go
Listen to you, know I'll try
Hug you when you start to cry

I guess God truly loves me
To send me a gift this heavnenly
You're an Angel with a heart of gold
That you must have already been told...

lady Bonham

Kao što vidite, promijenila sam malo dizajn, onaj je bio... prenatrpan. Nadam se da vam se sviđa, još treba neke sitnice dodat, al to ćemo kad ili nameless_ ili ja nađemo vremena.

Btw ova pjesma je posvećena jedno jako dragoj osobi. Nešto od srca:)

Pozdrav svima
lady Bonham

[13:59] - Komentari (12) - Print - #

01.05.2005., nedjelja


Sjene puze po mraku
Osjećam je blizu.
Njezin dah na svojoj koži,
Njezine dodire na mom licu.
Tu je.

U beskraju noći,
Skrivajući se u kutu
Hladi suze na ranjenom licu.
Iz tame pruža ruke,
I vodi me. U bezdan

U ponoru smrti
U jezivoj tišini noći,
Oko meni živi mrtvaci.
Zazivam, ali jeka odgovara.

Krv posvuda, ranjena duša.
Rane milovane vjetrom bride.
Samo bol vraća me u stvarnost
Ostavlja tragove na duši.
Vraća sjećanja.

Ona me čeka.
Doziva u noći.
Vodi me u mrak.
U ponor. Ponor sjećanja.
Na dno.

by: dazedandconfuzed

[14:54] - Komentari (8) - Print - #

01.04.2005., petak


mreža tišine

bačena u more

galame i vike

koja je nastala

odavno u nama

tek je sada

našla put

da nas spasi

od riječi koje neprestano

zadavaju čuđenja i patnju

buka prestaje

i ostajemo sami

jedan nasuprot drugome

goli i ušutkani

potpuni stranci

takvi i odlazimo

i nikad se vise nećemo



the ruines of dread i live in,
once, it was life...
now, it's nothing,
nothing but pain,
enternal suffer...
people pass, but they don't see,
i scream, but nobody hears...
i'm falling apart..
blood is turning black,
wounds are getting deeper..
my eyes are fading,
vanishing in the dark,
not even moon shines upon me...
the spell is over,
memories are gone
only the shadows stay,
shadows in the dark
reminding the few who used to care
of something that once exsisted
but is no longer seen...


Crna tmina

Postoji samo dah ovog bića.
Najdraži mi dijelovi noći.
Misli obavijene tminom
sad daleko plove.

Neprisutnost razumnog daha
stvara bezgraničnost ovog duha.
Sveprisutna tišina
čini ovo ništa nečim.

Ne trebam ja vašu pažnju,bijednici!
Lažni to su trenuci,beskonačna pustoš.
Ne želim tu silnu...zovete ju ljubav,
posljednje na listi vaše mi je zadovoljstvo.

Oh, pustite me, vi, gnusni gadovi!
Gubite se, prokletnici, dalje od mene!
Bježite za kruhom,ja ga nemam....
Ništa osim crne tmine.


evo nekih pristiglih pjesama...


[00:25] - Komentari (4) - Print - #

20.03.2005., nedjelja

Kako postati članom?

Za postati član nije potrebna nikakva članarina nikakva potvrda niti svi moramo biti isti, naprotiv poželjno je da svatko bude svoj. Član se postaje čim pošaljete svoju pjesmu, sastavak ili priču, tj. čim se to vaše djelo pojavi na ovom blogu! Sve što nam pošaljete možemo objaviti potpisano s linkom vašeg bloga ako ga imate, ili anonimno pod nekim pseudonimom:)

Slobodno šaljite, očekujemo vaše mailove!:)

[11:38] - Komentari (4) - Print - #

14.01.2005., petak


Quench my thirst for suicide
Long ago my heart has died
Wandering in this Reign of Dust
Searching comfort, finding lust
Come seduce me Prince of Sadness
Wake in me my inner madness
Swallowed up by dark desire
Nothing that can tame my fire
Something in your vacant eyes
Makes the angels fall from skies
Watch them as their screams increase
Till they plead upon their knees
I can feel it know, the pain
Source of darkness, son of Caine
Serpent tongue-licks on my skin
This is worth of every sin
Blood has never been this sweet
My body cannot bear the heat
So won't you place your icy lips
Where pleasure turns into eclipse


[17:19] - Komentari (3) - Print - #

11.01.2005., utorak

~* Dance with the string* ~

~ * Dance with the string* ~

Now I feel so numb
I’m not able to realize nothing but pain
Not even tears can remind me
That I’m still alive

Laying unable to move
Now even tears fail to come
I am not awake
Nether asleep
Maybe I’m dead

All my friends are gone now
So I stand alone
Still no tears in my eyes
Getting prepared
For the last dance

Dance with the string

behind blue eyes/lady Bonham

zapravo ju je napisala bbeyes a ja samo malo prepravila;) nek se veseli:p (btw i ona kazhe da nema pjesnichkog talenta.... right)

[16:45] - Komentari (1) - Print - #

19.12.2004., nedjelja



Zbog ljubavi tvoje neuzvraćene
Jer ništa drugo mi ne preostaje

Tvoja me ubila
Tvoja me dokrajčila

Više nema smisla
Izgubljena u boli

Za mene ne postoji
Je moj jedini izlaz…


Pjesma nije niš posebno al mi se sviša forma,i prebacivanje misli iz jednog stiha u drugi (ajde djeco recite koja je to stilska figura)

[19:50] - Komentari (5) - Print - #

07.12.2004., utorak

Žilet (Gillete)


Ovo je glupo,nema svrhe
Najbolje da si odma skratim muke
Idem se bacit sa stijene
Ili možda da si prerežem vene?

Moram se negdje iskalit
Inače ću vas sve spalit
Ovi stihovi me spašavaju
Glasovi u glavi mi se štišavaju

Dajte,recite mi da nisam lud
Zar je uzalud sav ovaj trud
Odlazim,ne ostaje mi traga
Idem kod svog prijatelja vraga

Hrđavi žilet opet uzimam u ruke
Vidim izlaz iz ove muke
Mlaz krvi izlazi iz mene
To je tako kad prerežeš si vene…


Ironično ciničan pogled na jednu situaciju s dozom ismijavanja...

[21:26] - Komentari (8) - Print - #

Lost & not found

Lost & not found

If my spirit could
have a name, or sound,
it would probably be
signed by words: lost & not found.

Looking for my self
in this desert of time,
Feel like everything becomes
darker, and there is no more rhyme.

Is there anyone in this space,
who could tell me who I am?
someone who could understand
my feelings and think about them...

I wanna someone! I wanna
scream and be bound..
..but nobody can hear me,
cause I'm still lost & not found

by: misunderstood

Ovo mi je danas poslala misunderstood i sere li ga sere da nije dobra! Skoro mi nije dala da ju objavim ovdje, al sori mis, morala sam, jebena mi je! I ne seri previše! Znaš da te jojim!

lady Bonham

[20:32] - Komentari (7) - Print - #

04.12.2004., subota

O Društvu

Nakon što smo mjesecima dio ove velike zajednice na blogu, primjetili smo da nismo jedini koji se ne slažu sa ovim svijetom. Shvatili smo da nas ima i da možemo dijeliti svoje poglede na svijet i na samog sebe sa ljudima, te da će nas ti ljudi prihvatiti onakvima kakvi jesmo; depresivni, pomalo suicidalni i pesimistični, sa zatamnjenim pogledom na svijet koji nas okružuje.
Nakon nekog vremena došli smo na ideju da osnujemo Društvo, koje će podupirati, razumjeti i biti uz ostale pesimistične duše na ovom blogu, kakve smo i mi.
Osnutkom društva 'Dead Poets Society', osnovano je mjesto na kojem će se velik broj ljudi na ovom blogu moći pronaći.
Kao i svako društvo, tako i ovo ima neke kriterije i uvjete. Članovi bi trebali imati malo smisla, ali puno više želje za pisanjem bilo pjesama ili tekstova. S obzirom da stojimo iza one 'zajedno smo jači', cilj Društva je međusobna potpora i razmjena mišljenja o vašim i našim pjesmama i pričama.

Tko se pronašao u ovom opisu, slobodno možete izraziti želju da postanete članom kod lady Bonham na mail, a mi ćemo razmotrit vaše potencijale za člana, što neće biti teško jer se u svakom od nas i vas skriva mladi umjetnik i ovim putem možete pokazati svoje talente.

Isto tako, kada netko postane član imat će mogućnost objavljivanja vlastitih tekstova na ovom blogu ako ćete htjet podijelit svoja razmišljanja o životu, smrti i svemu što ne valja u svijetu koji nas okružuje, ali će ih prije morat poslat na mail lady Bonham ili namelessa.

Svaki član je dobrodošao!

Dead Poets Society

[23:13] - Komentari (28) - Print - #

<< Arhiva >>


Osnivači Društva:

-lady Bonham-



-behind blue eyes-

Dakle, ako je netko zainteresiran, sve informacije su tu. Kliknite na ova dva linka dolje, pa dalje kako hoćete:)

-O Društvu-
-Kako postati članom?-

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A dream

In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.

Ah! what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?

That holy dream - that holy dream,
While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding.

What though that light, thro' storm and night,
So trembled from afar
What could there be more purely bright
In Truth's day-star?

Edgar Allan Poe


From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then - in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life - was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.

Edgar Allan Poe


By a route obscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named NIGHT,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have reached these lands but newly
From an ultimate dim Thule-
From a wild clime that lieth, sublime,
Out of SPACE- out of TIME.

Bottomless vales and boundless floods,
And chasms, and caves, and Titan woods,
With forms that no man can discover
For the tears that drip all over;
Mountains toppling evermore
Into seas without a shore;
Seas that restlessly aspire,
Surging, unto skies of fire;
Lakes that endlessly outspread
Their lone waters- lone and dead,-
Their still waters- still and chilly
With the snows of the lolling lily.

By the lakes that thus outspread
Their lone waters, lone and dead,-
Their sad waters, sad and chilly
With the snows of the lolling lily,-
By the mountains- near the river
Murmuring lowly, murmuring ever,-
By the grey woods,- by the swamp
Where the toad and the newt encamp-
By the dismal tarns and pools
Where dwell the Ghouls,-
By each spot the most unholy-
In each nook most melancholy-
There the traveller meets aghast
Sheeted Memories of the Past-
Shrouded forms that start and sigh
As they pass the wanderer by-
White-robed forms of friends long given,
In agony, to the Earth- and Heaven.

For the heart whose woes are legion
'Tis a peaceful, soothing region-
For the spirit that walks in shadow
'Tis- oh, 'tis an Eldorado!
But the traveller, travelling through it,
May not- dare not openly view it!
Never its mysteries are exposed
To the weak human eye unclosed;
So wills its King, who hath forbid
The uplifting of the fringed lid;
And thus the sad Soul that here passes
Beholds it but through darkened glasses.

By a route obscure and lonely,
Haunted by ill angels only,
Where an Eidolon, named NIGHT,
On a black throne reigns upright,
I have wandered home but newly
From this ultimate dim Thule.

Edgar Allan Poe